PayTo Statuses and Transitions

Different PayTo Agreement Statuses: What They Mean

As the PayTo agreement is being created or has already been approved, the status of the PayTo agreement could change. Listed in the table below are the different PayTo agreement statues, what they mean.

PayTo agreement StatusActions Triggering this statusRelated Webhooks
CreatedAccount Holder enters PayID/Bank Details on the Hosted Payment Page


Merchant enters bank details into Partner Platform on behalf of the customer
ActivatedMandate has been approved by the account holderpayment_method_valid
Cancelled-Account holder declines ‘Created’ mandate
-Account holder cancels ‘Active’ mandate
-Account holder does not approve mandate within timeout window
-Payment Initiator (Ezypay) ‘recalls’ the mandate
Suspended-Paused by Initiator (Ezypay)
-Paused by Account Holder
-Paused by Account Holders Financial Institution



If a PayTo agreement has been cancelled or suspended, any on-demand invoices that need to be generated and sent to Ezypay will need to be handled between the integrator, merchant and customer.

The changes in the PayTo statuses are controlled by the customer. Merchants will need to reach out to the customer to understand why they chose to suspend or cancel their agreement.

PayTo Status Transitions

There are 4 different PayTo Agreement Statuses:

  • Created
  • Activated
  • Cancelled
  • Suspended

In the table below it maps out how the status of a PayTo agreement can change, and what is required.

Current PayTo Agreement StatusStatus Transitions Changes ToCustomer Action That Caused the Status ChangeIntegrator ActionMerchant ActionCustomer Action
CreatedActivatedThe customer has approved the PayTo Agreement.Invoices can be created for the customer.No action required by the merchant.No action required by the customer.
CreatedCancelledThe customer may have: declined the PayTo Agreement


did not approve the PayTo agreement in the required timeframe.
Customer debits will not commence against their account, as they have not approved the PayTo agreement.

A new PayTo agreement needs to be sent to the customer to approve again.
The merchant will need to contact the customer and advise them that they did not approve the PayTo agreement within the given time frame.


Ask the customer why they declined the PayTo agreement.
Customer needs to approve the PayTo agreement in a timely manner, when another PayTo agreement has been set up for them again.


Provide new account details to the merchant if they do not wish to use PayTo.
ActivatedSuspendedThe customer has suspended the PayTo Agreement.Payments will need to stop for the customer.

The customer's account should be handled like a failed payment with the reason of 'Invalid Account Details'.
Merchant to contact the customer and ask why they suspended their PayTo agreement.

Merchant needs to stop services for the customer.

Merchant will need to ask the customer to reactivate the PayTo agreement that has been suspended.


Ask customer for new payment details as current one will be marked as invalid.
Customer will need to either:

1. Reactivate their PayTo agreement, so that debits can continue to take place.


2. Provide new account details to the merchant if they do not wish to use PayTo.
ActivatedCancelledThe customer has cancelled thePayTo Agreement.Payments will need to stop for the customer.

The customer's account should be handled like a failed payment with the reason of 'Invalid Account Details'.`
Merchant to contact the customer and ask why they cancelled their PayTo agreement.

Merchant needs to stop services for the customer.

Merchant will need to
ask the customer to approve the new PayTo agreement that will be be sent to them.


Ask customer for new payment details as current one will be marked as invalid.
Customer will to either:

1. Approve a new PayTo agreement.


2. Provide new account details to the merchant if they do not wish to use PayTo.
SuspendedCancelledThe customer has cancelled PayTo Agreement.Payments will need to stop for the customer.

The customer's account should be handled like a failed payment with the reason of 'Invalid Account Details'.`
Merchant to contact the customer and ask why they cancelled their PayTo agreement.

Merchant needs to stop services for the customer.

Merchant will need to
ask the customer to approve the new PayTo agreement that will be be sent to them.


Ask customer for new payment details as current one will be marked as invalid.
Customer will to either:

1. Approve a new PayTo agreement.


2. Provide new account details to the merchant if they do not wish to use PayTo.
SuspendedActiveThe customer has reactivated the PayTo Agreement.

**This is when the customer has already reactivated their PayTo agreement on their banking platform.
Invoices can recommence for the customer.No action required by the merchant.No action required by the customer.



If a customer's PayTo agreement has been 'Cancelled', a new PayTo agreement will need to be created. This can be achieved by creating a new PayTo payment method for the customer. It is recommended to delete the PayTo payment method for the cancelled PayTo agreement for better management of customer payment methods.

What’s Next

For details PayTo payment method Validity Status: