Ezypay Demo Page
This page allows you to trial the basic steps of customer and invoice creation with Ezypay
Once you have received the sandbox credentials from Ezypay, you can use Ezypay's Demo Service page. Ezypay's Demo Service page allows integrators to understand the initial steps and requirements to setting up a customer. It is a step by step process that allows integrators to test the processes of how to create a customer and how to create one-off invoice payments before they begin building their own customer creation process.
It also allows integrators to have better understanding on how they can partner with Ezypay and how to use Ezypay's APIs for the applications.
Please use this page Customer Creation Page to begin.
In the Ezypay Demo Service page, you will be presented with the following steps.
Step 1: Get Authentication Token
Step 2: Create a Customer in Ezypay
Step 3: Create Payment Method
Step 4: Create Invoice Using the customerID and Payment Method Token
Step 5: Retrieve Invoice with Customer ID
In each section there is a detailed description on what each section is and what it requires. It will also have links to our developer guides if you would like further information.
Important Note:
This page should only be used for testing purposes. Integrators should not copy the code as there will be different validation required.
Updated about 2 years ago