Korean Hosted Payment Page

The nature of South Korean financial system does not allowed original HPP implementation due to the multifactor authentication required. Therefore, Ezypay has built a Korean Hosted Payment Page (KHPP) to cater for Korean market. It must be used if partners is billing for South Korea.

Differences between HPP and KHPP

Diagrams below outline the process flow for both HPP and KHPP


Process flow for HPP


Process flow for KHPP

The main difference between the 2 hosted payment pages are:

  1. Accessing KHPP is via a redirect while HPP is an embedded iframe.
  2. The page will be redirected again to Korean Payment Provider for multifactor authentication.
  3. Input and output are different.
  4. HPP used HTML listener to retrieve the payment method token while KHPP redirect the information to the nominated callback URL.

Kindly proceed to next section for integrating with KHPP.