Ezypay Retry Process
Ezypay retry is based on the date of failure notification and not the invoice date. For payment with instant response, it will be the same day but the caveat is with bank direct debit which has 3 days processing time. Let's dive in on how Ezypay schedule for a retry by using following example.
A merchant has configured a retry interval of 3 days after the payment fails, and maximum attempts of 2 times.
Customer A has a bank debit due 1st January, however Ezypay has received notification that the payment had failed on the 3rd January due to 3 days processing time. A retry happens on 6th January (3 days interval) and return as failed on 8th January. Second retry happens on 11th January, and if success then everyone is happy. If it fails on 13th January, there will be no further attempt to collect this debit and end the retry cycle. Manual retry and PayNow is still available to recollect the money.
In this example, the whole retry process will take about 13 days before it reach an end. Ezypay invoice payload has the field scheduledPaymentDate
, indicating the next retry date if the associated payment method is still valid.
For Subscription Model
There is an additional layer to the automatic retry if your are using subscription model. All future invoices will stop being processed, if the max attempts is reached. To continue with the subscription, all the failed invoices tied to the subscription must be resolved.
Updated 7 months ago