Failed Payment Responses

When a payment fails, Ezypay will specify the failed payment reason. These failed payment response codes/reasons are provided by Ezypay's banking partner.

To help understand what each failed payment response code means and what actions are required to resolve a failed payment, below are the links to the failed payment response guides, per country and payment method.

The guides will provide a breakdown of the following and with explanation on what each columns are meant for.

Columns in failed response tableDescriptionFields in API / webhook
Payment Response CodeThis is the response code return by payment provider when a transaction failed.paymentProviderResponse[code]
• Webhook Event: “Invoice_past_due
Retrieve Invoice API response
List Invoice API response
Retrieve Transaction API response
List Transaction API response
Payment ResponseGeneric failed payment reason for easy understanding what happened and what the next cause of action will be.

Should be used to build any logic around the failed payment handling process in the application.
• Webhook Event: “Invoice_past_due
Retrieve Invoice API response
List Invoice API response
Retrieve Transaction API response
List Transaction API response
Subscription Invoice StatusHighlight what happened to the future invoice of a subscription, whether it will still continue billing (Active) or the billing is stopped (inactive).

Note: Only applicable to integrators on subscription model.
Webhook Event: “Subscription_payment_stopped
Invoice StatusInvoice status returned by Ezypaystatus
• Webhook Event: “Invoice_past_due
Retrieve Invoice API response
Transaction StatusTransaction status returned by Ezypaystatus
Retrieve Transaction API response
List Transaction API response
Payment Provider ResponseA descriptive explanation on the “Payment Response Code” field. Provide a more drill down explanation on what happened at the payment provider.paymentProviderResponse[description]
• Webhook Event: “Invoice_past_due
Retrieve Invoice API response
List Invoice API response
Retrieve Transaction API response
List Transaction API response
Payment Response DescriptionA descriptive explanation on the “Payment Response” field. A generic description on what could possibly happened and suggested actions.failedPaymentReason[description]
• Webhook Event: “Invoice_past_due
Retrieve Invoice API response
List Invoice API response
Retrieve Transaction API response
List Transaction API response
Payment Method StatusA more detail explanation on what the responses mean and what could be the possible reasons for failed payments. Highlight on how Ezypay can deal with it.paymentMethodInvalid
• Webhook Event: “Invoice_past_due
Retrieve Invoice API response

True: Inactive
False: Active
What it MeansA more detail explanation on what the responses mean and what could be the possible reasons for failed payments. Highlight on how Ezypay can deal with it.N/A
Suggested Actions (For Integrators)Some suggestion on what should be done by the integrators if they received the failed payment response.N/A
Suggested Actions (For Merchants)Some suggestion on what should be done by the merchants if they received the failed payment response.N/A
Suggested Actions (For Customers)Some suggestion on what should be done by the customers if they received the failed payment response.N/A


Best Practice

Integrators should use the failedPaymentReason code to build any logic around the failed payment handling process in their application as it is generically mapped regardless of which payment processor Ezypay uses.


New Zealand





Hong Kong

South Korea