Customer Creation

'Customers' are profiles containing all information about a person billed by Ezypay. Everything from basic contact details to payment methods, subscriptions, invoices and transactions are linked and held in the 'customer profile'. Most of Ezypay's APIs require a customer ID to be provided in the request - this is a mandatory step for you to bill your customer.


Verify your customer

Before creating a customer profile, integrators should have already validated the authenticity of each customer. A common practice is using 2-factor verification via email or SMS. This is to reduce the chance of fraudsters misusing your Ezypay integration.

Get started

Use the create customer API to onboard your customer into Ezypay.

  1. Provide the basic customer information in the response body.
  2. Retrieve the customer id from the response and store it for future billing.
  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "referenceCode": "GYM1234",
  "mobilePhone": "+6143215678"
  "id": "55220ffc-bc5a-4f50-adaf-fa58c061ebd1",
  "number": "EZY213000",
  "referenceCode": "GYM1234",
  "firstName": "Jane",
  "lastName": "Doe",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "companyName": null,
  "mobilePhone": +6143215678,
  "homePhone": null,
  "gender": null,
  "dateOfBirth": null,
  "createdOn": "2024-03-10T20:10:54.895",
  "address": null,
  "metadata": null

Best practice

Suggested minimum information

Include the following information when creating a customer.

firstNameBilling customer first nameBasic customer informationYes
lastNameBilling customer last nameBasic customer informationYes
emailBilling customer email addressRequired information to allow Ezypay to send notification to the correct email address.Yes
mobilePhoneBilling customer mobile numberRequired information to allow Ezypay to contact the customer via SMSNo
referenceCodeCustomer number in the integrator's platformImportant for reconciling process and mapping of customer in both Ezypay and integrator's platform.No

Ensure customer information is updated

Whenever a customer updates their information in your platform, be sure to synchronise the update with the Ezypay system. This is to ensure any communication from Ezypay reaches the correct customer with the correct information.