This option is used only for integration partners using the On-Demand model
On-Demand means that all invoices will only be billed based on when Ezypay receives the invoice requests. With this integration model, Ezypay does not hold any payment/billing schedules. All this information should be captured by the integrator for their merchants.
It allows merchants to collect one-off payments when required, for example, product purchases, registration charges and full amount payments, etc.
If you have elected for the On-Demand integration model, then how to create invoices and retrieving invoice details are required for understanding Ezypay's API's.
Creating invoices is setting up payments for the customers. You can create future invoices or instant invoices (to be processed immediately). However instant invoices are only available for credit card payments.
How-To Guide: Creating Invoices
Creating Invoices for On-Demand Billing
After an invoice has been processed, there are 2 APIs that can be called to check the status of an invoice. This allows a user to check whether the invoice is successful or if it has failed. This is called "Retrieving Status of an Invoice".
Part 1: Retrieving the Status of an Invoice
A user can choose to retrieve the status of an invoice as a list of invoices or they can choose to retrieve the status for a specific invoice only.
The status will only show whether a payment is successful or if it has failed, and what Ezypay fees have been included in that specific invoice.
Part 2: To Retrieve Transaction Outcomes
This provides more details as to why an invoice had failed. (Failed payment reason)
How-To Guides: Retrieving Status of an Invoice
Part 1: To retrieve the status of an invoice there are 2 options
As a List of Invoices
https://developer.ezypay.com/reference#list-invoices -
Or as a specific Invoice
Part 2: To retrieve transaction outcomes (API Endpoint)
- Retrieving the failed payment reasons from using the Invoice ID
Note :
Any debits that have been created cannot be modified within 24 hours of when its due to be debited. The invoice must be in pending, future or scheduled to be processed status.
The latest payment method will only take effect on debits created after the payment method has been updated. All debits entered prior to the change will still be debited from the previous payment method.
The invoice amount cannot exceed the maximum debit value (MDV) set during the merchant's onboarding process with Ezypay. Kindly refer MDV error response from the Create Invoice API.
Basic Definition Related to Invoices
Type | Definition |
Invoice | Order form to charge – these are instructions to Ezypay on what needs to be charged to a customer |
Transactions | An attempted Payment |
Processing | Invoice has a payment transaction that is being processed by Ezypay |
Paid | - Invoice has been paid with associated transaction status of success or settled - Invoice can have associated transaction status of failed, but as long as it's fully paid up, the invoice status will be paid - For bank transactions it can take up to 3 business days to process a payment. The invoice will be marked as paid until notified by the bank if the transaction has failed. Upon this notification, the invoice is then marked as past_due |
Past_due | - Invoice does not have transactions that are paid up or being processed. (For example, auto-billing has been disabled on the merchant) - Invoice due date is today or in the past |
Refunded | - Invoice has been paid and successfully refunded in full - Invoice has an associated Credit Note with status of paid and associated refund Transaction |
Written_off | Invoice has been written off and no further billing retries will be attempted |
Updated 8 months ago