Ezypay Fees

What happens to the Ezypay Fees when a payment Fails

Types of Fees

There are 3 types of fees that Ezypay has: a Load Fee, a Transaction Fee and a Failed Payment Fee. They can all be configured to be paid by the customer or the merchant. The fee configuration should be discussed with Ezypay's sales team before a merchant is set up.

FeeApplicationPayment Configuration
Load FeeThis is applied on a new customer load. This will be applied on the first successful debit.Merchant Configurable: Can be Customer Paid or Merchant Paid
Transaction FeeThis is applied on attempts to process a debit through Ezypay. This is applied to both successful and failed transaction attempts.Merchant Configurable: Can be Customer Paid or Merchant Paid
Failed Payment FeeThis is applied when a customer’s debit has failed. This is applied to every failed debit attempt.Merchant Configurable: Can be Customer Paid or Merchant Paid

Who Pays?

If the fees have been configured to be customer paid, the fees will be debited from the customer's nominated account along with the regular debits.
If the fees have been configured to be merchant paid, the fees will be deducted from the merchant's upcoming settlement. The fee deductions for that settlement period will be reported by Ezypay.

How fees are Charged and Collected

Customer Pays for Ezypay Fees
When a new customer is added into the system, a load fee will be charged with the customer's first debit. With every debit that takes place, Ezypay will charge the customers a transaction fee. And with every debit that fails a failed payment fee will added onto the customers next debit. All these charges need to be displayed and broken down clearly on the user interface for the merchants to see what charges have been applied.


Please note that transaction fees and failed payment fees are accumulative until they have been collected successfully, either through the customer or through the merchant (being a manual collection over the counter).

If the merchant chooses to write-off (remove or cancel) a failed payment all fees will be deducted from their upcoming settlement, even if the set up is customer pays the fees.

Example on how fees are applied for customer paid fees
This scenario shows how the fees are applied if a customer has multiple failed payments

Merchant Pays for Ezypay fees
As there are 3 types of Ezypay fees, a merchant can choose to pay for some or all these Ezypay fees on behalf of their customers. The application of these fees will be the same as the above for the customer paid fee scenario. But the fees will be deducted from the merchant's upcoming settlement instead. The listing of these deductions can be obtained through Ezypay's settlement report API, which can then be used in a report for the merchant.

Example on how fees are applied for merchant paid fees
Types of fees charged to merchant are dependent on what has been configured at the merchant level. The scenario below is configured for the Load Fee and Transaction Fee only to be merchant paid. The failed payment fee will be charged to the customer in this scenario.