PayTo FAQs

Frequently Asked QuestionsAnswer
What is the difference between PayTo and direct debit?PayTo transactions are processed immediately. One time authorisation is required before any future payments can occur.
Does PayTo debit an account in real time?Once the PayTo mandate is authorised by the customer, payments is immediate and status is returned immediately
Will merchants need to sign anything to use PayTo?Yes, please contact your Business Development Manager if your merchant wishes to use PayTo.
Will the same API end points be used?Yes and there will also be new ones that will be required.
Can we fall back to direct debit if PayTo fails?Not automatically. You will need to create the direct debit as a separate bank payment method for the customer. Then, you can link the bank payment method to the invoice payment if the PayTo payment method failed.
How will the Strong Customer Authentication work?Customers will need to authorise the PayTo mandate via their banking application.
What happens if customers reject or cancel the PayTo agreement?No billing will occur.
Will we be notified if a customer rejects or cancels the PayTo mandate?Yes, you’ll get an immediate webhook notification about the mandate status change.
Will a customer need to authorise a scheduled payment every time in order for the payment to be processed?No, a PayTo mandate is only needed once for future payments to be scheduled.
If a customer has not installed the bank application, how will they be notified that they have to authorise the PayTo mandate?Depending on the banking institution that the customer is transacting with, the notification could be by sent email or SMS.
Will the customer be informed if PayTo is not available with their bank during the payment creation process when using Ezypay Hosted payment page?Yes, the user will be informed in real-time. This is a key part of the PayTo payment method management flow.
If a PayTo agreement was PAUSED by the customer, can Ezypay trigger an UNPAUSE?No, depending on who is the initiator of the PAUSE action, that party will be the only one able to actioned an UNPAUSE.
If a customer has disabled the bank account that is still linked to a PayTo mandate, will there be any notification or indicator that this PayTo mandate will automatically be disabled?We have no visibility to the customer’s bank account status until the customer’s bank returns a message that the bank account is closed.

We will invalidate the PayTo payment method once we receive notification from the New Payment Platform (NPP) that the PayTo mandate status has been cancelled or if the bank returns a failed payment reason of bank account closed.
Will there be BSB validation when a PayTo option is selected in the sandbox environment (to allow partners to test the process)?The account will be validated to ensure that it is PayTo reachable, and in the case of PayID, that there is an associated account. If the BSB is invalid, validation will fail.
Will the amount collected be instantly moved from the customer bank account to Ezypay’s wallet, once a collection was success?Yes and payments will be settled into merchant's account based on their settlement settings.
Can merchants use PayTo for ecommerce transactions?If the PayTo agreement has been approved by the customer and therefore marked as a valid payment method, it can be used for any one-off payment.
Will Ezypay support PayID?Yes
What happens if the customer does not use or have an online / mobile bank access?Customers will be able to activate PayTo mandate at their local bank branch.
How will joint signatory bank accounts work?Banks will implement joint approvals via the online banking app. This feature won't be available on first launch.