Go-live Checklist

Pre go-live

The following checklist is used by Ezypay to assess the readiness of our partners before we provide the production credentials to them. Use this as a guideline to plan for your go-live.

  1. Partner agreement signed
    This contains the partner model and the agreed commercials.
  2. System demo provided
    Ezypay required a demo to verify integrations reach Ezypay's quality standards.
  3. Operation plan agreed
    This covers the merchant onboarding process and support process after going live.
  4. Marketing plan agreed
    This covers the go-to-market plan, announcing the partnership and other marketing-related activities.
  5. Partner setup and configuration signed
    Documents to summarise the integration items of the partners.

Post go-live

The following checklist is to be performed after the production environment is up and running.

  1. Change to production client ID and client secret
    Unique key for the partner. Every merchant onboard will reuse these.
  2. Update endpoint to production
    Make sure the endpoint is pointing to the production environment, not the sandbox.
  3. Input the merchant credentials
    Must be done every time a new merchant onboard. Each merchant will have their unique credentials.
  4. Setup the webhook
    Must be done every time a new merchant onboard