
Merchants Transaction List Report

Previously merchants did not have have any form of reports that provided them information on the transactions that had occurred against their accounts to show whether the transactions were successful or if they had failed. Especially in the case of a merchant having insufficient funds for a settlement, as no Settlement Report would be available to them to understand why they had no settlement.

With the release of the Merchants Transactions List, all merchants would be able to generate this report in CSV format, which will provide them with a snapshot of data (transactions that had occurred and status) based on the specified date range.

This new report provides transparency and visibility to merchants on each transaction that occurs in their Ezypay wallet account upon it happening. With this information, merchants can start reconciling their data without waiting for settlement reports.

Release Date 14th November 2019
Purpose of the New Feature Merchants will be able to generate this report to gain visibility of all transactions that occurs in their Ezypay settlement account upon it happening. A user can set the time frame of the report to allow merchants to see what has been collected or processed within that period.

This details of the report:
This report is available in CSV format.
A user will need to specify the date range for data retrieval.
Report provides data as of the date and time the report was generated.
Report lists data in chronological order from when transactions occurred.
Report will list all transactions that has taken within the specified time period against the merchant's account. This includes customer payments, partner payments and any settlement adjustments made by Ezypay.
Useful Tips:
Transaction holding period does not apply in the report. Merchants who wish to self-calculate the upcoming settlement amount will need to take into consideration the 3-day holding period applied on payment collections from customers. For a quick estimation of upcoming settlement amount, it is advisable to call the API to retreive collected next settlement amount
Failed payments, especially bank failed transactions, may only be captured on the report on a later date. Do not assume that a customer payment listed on the report is successful as the
bank may only inform Ezypay that the transaction has failed 1-3 business days later.
Currently there is no auto email function for this report.
Current Behaviour Currently there is no report for merchants to access information that will account for transactions that had occurred (successful or failed). Especially for merchants who do not receive a settlement report because they did not receive any settlement.
Actions Required Integrating partners need to integrate with the API call listed below to retrieve the report.
Link to Relevant Documentation You can now call the new API end point
to retrieve an Merchant Transactions List Report in CSV format.